The Untitled Poet Society [Beta]

Let the ink flow. Tell all you know.

Category: Poems


We just received our second anonymous submission! Check out this great (and extremely relevant) poem and please feel free to comment.  We hope that as more anon poems come in they will inspire more writers to submit.  If you would like to submit a poem too, anon or otherwise, you can find out how to do so here. Enjoy the poem!

Poem: Just a pinch

Here’s yet another poem I’ve been working on. Tell me what you think!


Just a pinch

is often what we need
if more than a
is what we want
but when the single
wakes us from our dreams
it’s not the
I thought.
And as I
my pen in hand
on paper a
of ink
the single
on the nerve of my back
is the most prevalent
I think about.

Poem: Lady Luck

Howdy everyone, Ethan here.  It’s already been about a month since this site’s been up live and running, and although it’s yet to see many submissions come through (I’m crossing my fingers that we’ll see some more activity soon!), it seemed necessary to still commemorate the first of hopefully many milestones.  I couldn’t sleep much last night and had some lines going through my head that I needed to write down.  So I thought I would share a poem I just started working on in the interest that it would get some much needed feedback. Here it is:

Lady luck


I was upset when I thought I lost you

cursing under my breath words

that fell out of my lips a bit too loosely

about how useless it all was

wearing a charm around my neck

that couldn’t stay around my neck

but that was the not quite right way

things always seemed to work.

My pockets jangled as I played

the role of reluctant detective

and it wasn’t quite right that

I checked the spot I last saw you last

and it wasn’t quite right that

that you never even left.

Poem: “Faith/Ignorance”

Our first anonymous submission, “Faith/Ignorance”! Please provide comments, constructive criticism, and feedback!




I walk across the street without looking,

Head down, no one knows I’m missing,

Tracing my feet with each step,

I take comfort where roads intersect—

I took for granted the car racing towards me—

I’m stuck in my own head—

Some will call it faith, and others ignorance,

But when the truth finally hits me,

I’ll call it dead.

Poem: “Hallowed”

As a show of good faith, creator of “The Untitled P.S.” Ethan Guberman has volunteered one of his own poems for the site.  If you would like to submit a poem, you may read how to do so here.  Please feel free to provide comments and constructive criticisms on this site’s first poem!


When fat laughs at its absence

and its bone to pick

locks skeletons out of tea parties

in their closet,

when they stand enameled

in shadow turned in

toward their stiff condition

and make first contact

with the only self

esteemed in reflection,

when they let the dark passenger

hitchhike their synapses

to dates with demons,

ballets with wolves

in sheep skin

and carnal cotillions,

when sinew, tissue and flesh

meet their calcium castles,

and the watchtowers spot

the lighthouse squinting

through  muddy eyes,

sifting dust out of the stellar

cracks in His fallen skull,

when His odyssey found

safe harbor the seventh day,

when kingdom come

came crashing down,

when he was


and there was


He took a finite breath and

gave the hollow ones a
